Pick your subscription
Welcome to T-Broker platform. At MarketPlace, sourcing made easy.
You can search for special airfares, group tours, ground tours, hotels, attractions,
transfer and many other travel related services both local and international.
I want to BUY
T-Broker Agent

What you will get?
Access to source for Flight Tickets, Tour Packages, Ground Packages, Hotels and other experiences
Gain additional revenue with attractive commissions and sales incentives
Manage unlimited staff IDs
Travel Dashboard to view & manage all your bookings
Live Broadcast and Updates
Generate your Sales Report
Supported by Live Chat Agents
Who is this for?
Travel agency/partner/associate who hold valid travel license in Malaysia
Suitable for any size travel agencies
How much will it cost?
FREE Subscription
MYR 0.00
I want to BUY and SELL
T-Broker Vendor

What you will get?
Everything in AGENT plus;
Direct access to VendorHub (seller platform)
Manage and Sell up to 9,999 of your own products (limited to Tour Package and Ground Package only)
VendorHub Tour and Inventory Management
Real time performance report
Vendor's Support and Training
Who is this for?
Travel agency/supplier/operator who hold valid travel license certified by their local Ministry of Tourism
Suitable for small to medium size travel agency/supplier/operator
How much will it cost?
FREE Subscription and setup
Low Transaction and Merchant Fee (Refer fee table)
MYR 0.00